Golf Ireland can confirm the the reopening of Clubs in Northern Ireland from 1st April 2021:
Full details announced by Golf Ireland
the “Return to Golf Protocol”
• Golf Clubs can reopen from Thursday 1st April for members only; however, in accordance with the continuing
Level 5 measures in the Republic of Ireland, members must not travel from a place of residence in the Republic of
Ireland to play golf. Further guidance for golfers and golf clubs is contained in the General Guidance document
• Golf activities at club level may be resumed, including those which are acceptable for handicapping purposes
where such conditions can be met under the World Handicapping System. See updated guidance for playing
handicap-counting rounds during the COVID-19 pandemic below.
• No organised social gatherings, of any size, are permitted at golf facilities. All golf activities should be organised
based on arrival-play-depart without delay.
• In the initial phase (until 12th April), the Northern Ireland Executive have decided that participants in sport
and exercise activity must be from no more than two households. Therefore, groups playing on golf courses
during this initial phase must be confined to a maximum of two households. This means that all tee times must
be either two-balls, or alternatively three-balls and four-balls where players in the group are from no more than
two households.
• Daily timesheets are restricted as follows:
• Two-balls at eight-minute intervals or longer
• Three-balls from no more than two households at nine-minute intervals or longer
• Four-balls from no more than two households at 10-minute intervals or longer
• To give clubs as much scope to accommodate golfers within these requirements, golf clubs will not be required
to confine themselves to one standardised starting interval each day (for example, should a club decide to
organise most of its tee times in eight-minute intervals for two-balls, they may choose to include a block of
10-minute interval times for three-balls and four-balls where the golfers are from no more than two households).
• Tee times must be booked in advance online or over the telephone. Clubs must ensure that players’ names are
recorded on timesheets and timesheets must be kept for a period of at least six weeks to assist with contact
tracing should the need arise.
Following engagement with the relevant Government departments
and agencies, Golf Ireland can confirm the following measures apply
to the initial phase of the reopening of Clubs in Northern Ireland from
1st April 2021 (until 12th April):
This Protocol will be reviewed dependent on the public health situation and in line with the NI Executive’s reopening
pathway with the next potential date for further relaxation from 12th April 2021.
Golf Ireland will continue to work with the relevant departments and agencies in the coming days and weeks on the
resumption of further activities when the public health situation allows and will provide updates to clubs on these
in as timely a manner as possible.
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