Tuesday 21st January 2025,
Loughgall Golf Club Loughgall, Co. Armagh Northern Ireland 18 hole country golf course


Loughgall Golf Club Constitution and Rules

Version 5 May MMXI
Club motto: We play our games together

Index of contents
1. Title
2. Ownership
3. Licence
4. Membership
5. Objectives
6. Trustees
7. Officers
8. Management
9. Administration
10. Finance
11. Election of members
12. Categories of members
13. Annual subscription
14. Visitors and guests
15. Removal of member from Club and suspension of member
16. General meetings
17. Minute books
18. Playing facilities
19. Personal property
20. Change of constitution and rules
21. Rules of Golf and Local Rules
22. Bye-Laws
1.1 The name of the club shall be ‘Loughgall Golf Club’. It comprises one Club of two sections namely:
Men’s Section and Ladies’ Section
1.2 The address of the Club is: – Loughgall Golf Club,
Loughgall Country Park,
11-14 Main Street,
Loughgall, Co. Armagh
BT61 8HZ
Web site: www.loughgallgolfclub.co.uk/
2.1 The land on which the Golf course and Club facilities have been constructed is the property of Armagh City and District Council, located at Council Offices, The Palace Demense, Armagh; subsequently referred to in this document as the Owner.
3.1 The Club uses the facilities under licence from the Owner. This will not entitle the Club to any legal interest in the property.
3.2 The licence granted by the Owner shall stand in the name of the Owner and the Club Trustees or their successors in office.
4.1 The membership of the Club shall be open to both males and females in the following categories:-
4.1.1 Member: aged 18 years of age or over.
4.1.2 Junior: aged less than 18 years of age on 1st January in the subscription year.
4.1.3 Student: shall be less than 25 years of age on 1st January in the subscription year and in receipt of full time education.
4.2 Only Members shall be entitled to attend and vote at annual general meetings (AGMs) or extraordinary general meetings (EGMs) and are entitled to nomination for election to office of the Men’s Council or Ladies’ Committee subject to gender[See item 12.2].
4.3 Male Members shall be restricted to voting in Men’s Section and ladies to voting in Ladies’ Section.
5.1 The Club shall be to promote the game of golf and promote and conduct other matters for the benefit of the Members, and be affiliated to the Golfing Union of Ireland and the Irish Ladies’ Golf Union, paying all charges.
Golfing Union of Ireland (GUI), Irish Ladies’ Golf Union (ILGU), PGC (Irish Region PGA) are fully committed to safeguarding the well being of their Members. Every individual in golf should at all times, show respect and understanding for Members rights, safety and welfare and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the organisation and the guidelines contained in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport.
In working with young people in golf our first priority is the welfare of the young people and we are committed to providing an environment that will allow participants to perform to the best of their ability, free from bullying and intimidation.
6.1 The Men’s Council and Ladies’ Committee shall each have three Trustees to administer their respective Sections. Trustees shall be current or former post holders or Past Captains appointed by their Section Members at their AGMs or EGMs.
6.2 Each Trustee shall hold office until his/her resignation or cease to be a Member of the Club, unless removed from office by resolution of a general meeting of the Club. He/she shall be replaced by another existing Council/Committee Member in accordance with section 8.0 [Management] at the next AGM or EGM called for such purpose.
6.3 Trustees shall be entitled to attend meetings restricted to their respective gender Section of the Club by which they were appointed, with Trustee voting rights. Trustees must attend a minimum of four Council or Ladies’ Committee meetings per annum. Trustee’s position shall be vacated by attendance at less than four Council/Committee meetings per year unless an explanation is given in writing, and the Council/Committee deem such explanation satisfactory, or by being removed by a resolution at an AGM or EGM convened for that purpose.
6.4 The Trustees shall be indemnified by the Club by which they were appointed out of the property and assets of such Club in respect of all transactions directed by a resolution of the Council/Committee of the Club against all liabilities and expenses necessary incurred as a result of their trusteeship and in the event of the property and assets of the Club being deficient, such deficiency shall be made good by the ordinary Members of the Club concerned on whose behalf the property and assets of the Club are held.
6.5 Men’s Trustees must endorse the Men’s Council commitment when proposed expenditure is more than £2,000 on any single item of expenditure, or series of linked expenditure, before the expenditure is committed. Ladies’ Trustees must endorse the Ladies’ Committee commitments when proposed expenditure is more than £2,000 on any single item of expenditure, or series of linked expenditure, before the expenditure is committed.
7.1 The affairs of the Men’s Section shall be managed by a twelve person Council consisting of a President, Captain, Vice-Captain, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Immediate Past Captain [provided he is a Member of the Club], and six Council members. Three male Trustees shall be part of the Council.
7.2 The affairs of the Ladies’ Section shall be managed by a nine person Committee consisting of a Captain, Vice-Captain, Treasurer, Secretary, Match & Handicapping Secretary, Immediate Past Captain [provided she is a member of the Club] and three committee Members. Three lady Trustees shall be part of the Ladies’ committee.
7.3 The President of the Men’s Club shall retire after two years, unless removed from office by resolution of an AGM or EGM, resign from office, or cease to be a Member of the Club. The President shall be a past Captain elected by Men’s Past Captains. A past President shall be ineligible for re-election.
8.1. Men’s Section voting is by a simple majority of those attending unless otherwise stated [item 20.1]. Six shall form a quorum unless otherwise stated [item 16.3].
8. 2 Ladies’ Section voting is by a simple majority of those attending. Four shall form a quorum unless otherwise stated [item 16.3].
8.3 At all Council meetings, AGMs and EGMs the Captain shall preside or, if absent, the Vice-Captain. In their absence those in attendance shall elect a chairperson. The chairperson shall have a casting vote.
8.4 Elections, officers, Council or committee.
8.4.1 The Men’s and Ladies’ Captains shall retire after one year’s service and shall be succeeded by their Vice-Captains. Retiring Captains shall remain in office as Immediate Past Captain for one year with full officer voting rights.
8.4.2 The other officers of Men’s Council and Ladies’ Committee shall retire annually and be eligible for re-election. Two ordinary Members having served two years shall retire and shall be eligible for re-election. On alternate years four Members having served two years shall retire and be eligible for re-election.
8.4.3 The election of office bearers to the Men’s Council and Ladies’ Committee shall be made at their AGMs.
8.4.4 Nominations (with the consent of the nominee) for election to honorary office or as an ordinary Member of the Council shall be made by the Men’s Council or Ladies’ Committee concerned, or by any two ordinary Members of that section.
8.4.5 Respective nominations shall be given to the Honorary Secretary of the Men’s or Ladies’ Section concerned at least 21 days prior to their AGMs.
8.4.6 A complete list of nominees to Council/Committee together with their proposers and seconders must be posted on the club notice board at least 7 days prior to the date of the particular AGM.
8.4.7 The Council/Committee shall have power to fill vacancies in any of these offices (including membership of the Council) during any year. The person(s) so appointed shall hold office until the next AGM.
8.4.8 At an AGM or EGM, if the election of a continuing Member of the Council/Committee to a position as an office bearer will leave a vacancy on the Council/Committee, then such vacancy shall be filled at that AGM from candidates already nominated for membership of the Council/Committee. In the event that there are not sufficient candidates to fill such vacancies the chairperson shall first declare the nominated candidates elected and then invite nominations from the voting Members present at the meeting.
8.4.9 The position of any office bearer or Council/Committee member shall be vacated on ceasing to be a Member of the Club or by non attendance at three consecutive Council/Committee meetings unless an explanation in writing is given and the Council/Committee deem such explanation satisfactory or by being removed by a resolution at an AGM or EGM convened for that purpose.
8.5 Men’s Council meetings shall be held not less than 10 times per annum. Ladies’ Committee meetings shall be held not less than 8 times per annum.
8.5.1 Upon a requisition signed by not less than three Members of Council/Committee stating the nature of the business to be transacted, the Captain or Honorary Secretary shall call a special meeting of Council or Committee for the consideration thereof; and if the officers designated above neglect or refuse to call such meeting within seven days the same may be convened by notice by four Members of such Council/Committee.
8.6 Owners’ staff
8.6.1 The Men’s and Ladies’ Sections shall co-operate with such staff employed by the Owner in the maintenance, service and upkeep of the course and facilities and shall direct their Members to facilitate the staff in the execution of their duties in the interest of both the Owner and the Club.
8.6.2 A consultative committee consisting of Members of the Men’s Council and/or a Ladies’ Committee Member will be established to consult with the Owners on an ad-hoc basis to discuss matters of mutual interest and concern.
8.7 Appointment of committees.
8.7.1 The Men’s Council and Ladies’ Committee shall each have power to appoint sub-committees and to define the scope of their authority and to delegate and confer on such sub-committees the powers necessary for the discharge of the function or functions for which sub-committees were formed. No sub-committee can be appointed to elect Members. Sub-committee decisions must reported to and be endorsed by their parent Council/Committee before coming into effect.
8.7.2 Sub-committees shall retire annually on the date of the section AGM or when the function for which it was appointed is completed.
8.7.3 The quorum of each sub-committee shall be defined by the Men’s Council or Ladies’ Committee on appointment. The Captain and Vice Captain shall be Ex-Officio members of all committees.
9.1 The Honorary Secretaries of the Men’s and the Ladies’ Sections shall be responsible for every day affairs of that Section except where such duties which are specifically assigned to another officer.
9.2 To enable better communication and reduce administration costs all Members with email addresses are requested and expected to register these with the Honorary Secretary.
9.3 Complaints. All complaints to be made in writing to the respective Honorary Secretary who, if unable to resolve the cause, shall submit them to the Council/Committee whose decision will be final.
10.1 The financial affairs of the Men’s Section shall be administered by the Men’s Council as follows:
10.1.1 The Honorary Treasurer shall keep full and detailed accounts, books and computer records of the financial transactions, receipts and disbursements of the Men’s Council.
10.1.2 The banking account shall be kept in the name of the Men’s Council (and clearly identified as such) in such bank as the Men’s Council may, from time to time, determine. All cheques shall be signed and counter signed as authorised by resolution of the Council.
10.1.4 The Men’s Council shall be entitled to charge and retain all entry fees in club and open competitions, under its control and management, for which it has arranged for the provision of prizes.
10.1.5 The Honorary Treasurer shall issue an externally audited statement of the financial affairs of the Club [Men’s Section] for the financial year ended 31st December for approval by the Men’s Council and for presentation to the Members at the AGM.
10.2 The financial affairs of the Ladies’ Section shall be administered be the Ladies’ Committee as follows:
10.2.1 The Honorary Treasurer shall keep full and detailed accounts, books and records showing the financial transactions, receipts and disbursements of the Ladies’ Section.
10.2.2 The banking account shall be kept in the name of the Ladies’ Committee (and clearly identified as such) in such bank as the Ladies’ Committee may, from time to time determine. All cheques shall be signed and counter signed as authorised by resolution of the Ladies’ Committee.
10.2.3 The Ladies’ Committee shall be entitled to charge and retain all entry fees in club and open competitions, under its control and management, for which it has arranged for the provision of prizes.
10.2.4 The Honorary Treasurer shall issue a statement of the financial affairs of the Ladies’ Section for the financial year ended 30thSeptember for approval by the Ladies’ Committee at the monthly meeting prior to the AGM and for presentation to the Members at the Ladies’ Section AGM.
10.3 The surplus of income of the Club over expenditure cannot be distributed to its Members or other party except in the event of liquidation or a cessation of activities of the club.
11.1 Male and female Members shall be elected by the respective separate Council or Committee.
11.2.1 A candidate for election to the Club must be proposed by a voting Member of the Club and seconded by another voting Member of the Club.
11.2.2 A voting Member wishing to propose a candidate for election shall obtain from the Honorary Secretary of his/her Section a membership application form and return it, completed and signed by the proposer and seconder, to the Honorary Secretary.
11.2.3 If the Council decides that the name of the candidate for election should go forward the name and address of the candidate shall be posted on the club board for at least 7 days before the meeting at which the application is to be considered.
11.2.4 Any omission from or inaccuracy in the particulars relating to any applicant may render election voidable at the discretion of the Council.
11.2.5 Immediately on election notice either, in writing, or by reference to Club web site, or by email or verbal, shall be issued to all elected candidates by the Honorary Secretary together with reference to the Club Constitution and Rules and a request to remit to the Honorary Treasurer, within four weeks from the date of such request, the amount of the entrance fee (if any) and first subscription and other charges payable by the category of membership to which the candidate has been elected.
11.2.6 Should the requested payment be not made within four weeks the election shall be void unless the candidate can satisfy the Council that the delay in payment was due to unavoidable causes.
11.2.7 If a candidate is not elected to membership and at a later date wishes to make a further application for membership, the same procedure as set out above must be followed on any subsequent application.
11.2.8 It shall be the duty of every elected Member to acquaint himself/herself of the Constitution, Rules and Bye-laws of the Club and each Member shall be bound by same.
11.2.9 No person shall be considered a Member (except honorary) until his/her entrance fee (if any) and subscription shall have been paid. By such payment a Member shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of membership of the category to which he/she shall have been elected.
12.1 Voting and non-voting Members may be elected to the Men’s Section or the Ladies’ Section of the Club.
12.2 ORDINARY MEMBERS with voting rights shall comprise male and female Members who, having paid the Owner’s Country Park fee, and the Club annual subscription, applicable to ordinary Members category,
shall be entitled to attend and vote at their respective Men’s or Ladies’ Sections AGM and EGM. Honorary Members retain the rights and privileges of membership of this category.
12.3 Junior and student Members, of either gender, shall be non-voting Members of their respective Sections. Members in these categories shall be required to pay the annual subscription applicable to the category.
12.3.1 HONORARY MEMBERS [annual position] shall comprise persons whom either the Men’s Council or the Ladies’ Committee wish to acknowledge as rendering exceptional service to the Club. Their annual Owner Country Park fee will be paid by the Club. Honorary Members will pay their Club subscription.
12.4 The following shall be the categories of membership which are transferable within the membership structure:
12.4.1 Junior and student Members on ceasing to be eligible for either category and wishing to be elected to ordinary Member category shall be treated as priority at the next election.
13.1 The subscription payable to the Owner shall be decided by the Owner in consultation with the Club. All Club Members must be concurrent Loughgall Country Park members.
13.2 All categories of membership shall be obliged to pay an annual Club subscription.
13.2.1 The amount payable by each categories shall be determined by the Men’s Council/Ladies’ Committee.
13.2.2 The subscription payable to the Club by male Members is £60; lady Members is £30; junior Members is £20; and student Members is £25. The Men’s Council/Ladies’ Committee reserve the right to amend these rates.
13.3 All subscriptions shall be payable on or before the date of the first Club competition each year.
13.4 Members whose subscription to the Club shall be unpaid on 1st April in any year shall cease to be a member of the Club, but the Council/Committee may re-elect such member without re-nomination or re-posting, if by 1st May payment is made of all subscriptions and other monies due to the Club. An addition a levy of £20 will be due if costs arise to any cover additional expenses e.g. due to late GUI membership or insurance.
13.5 Any member whose subscription is unpaid shall be ineligible to compete in Club or open competitions, to enter championships or tournaments, or to represent the Club.
13.6 The Men’s Council/Ladies’ Committee reserve the right amend Club membership subscription rates and to offer special subscription rates as inducements to new members when deemed appropriate.
13.7 Subscriptions and other income will be used to defray domestic expenses including fees payable to GUI and Ulster branch, team expenses, members insurance, the provision of prizes for competitions and sundry expenses as determined by Council/Committee.
14.1 Prior to playing on the course visitors and Member’s guests shall pay the appropriate Owner’s green fee. Visitors and guests must comply with the Country Park terms and conditions on and off the course.
15.1 If any Member shall act contrary to the rules and regulations of the Club and, after remonstrance by the Office-bearers shall so continue to act, or if any Member shall conduct themselves so as in the opinion of
the Council to injure or discredit the character of the Club, it shall be within the power of the Council’s Disciplinary Committee to recommend to the Council/Committee to suspend them forthwith from membership of the Club and to call on him or her to resign and if, within seven days of such notification being dispatched, they fail to comply therewith they shall be expelled. When necessary the Men’s Council and Ladies Committee shall each appoint respective three person Disciplinary Committees.
15.1.1 Any male Member subject to proposed removal or suspension shall have the right to appeal to the Men’s Council, or lady to the Ladies’ Committee. This must be heard at the next monthly Council/Committee meeting and their decision shall be final.
15.2 Forfeiture of Rights. Any person expelled in accordance with the Rules of the Club or otherwise ceasing to be a Member of the Club shall forfeit all rights to or claim upon the Club, as they would have by reason of membership.
16.1.1 The AGM of the Men’s Section shall, save in exceptional circumstances be held in the month of February and the Ladies’ Section AGM shall be held in November. The AGM’s will receive the Men’s Council or Ladies’ Committee annual reports and the Treasurer’s Financial Statements, electing Members of Council, revising rules and other business.
16.1.2 Seven days minimum notice with a copy of the report and duly audited financial statement of Men’s Section AGM shall be given to voting Members who are the only persons entitled to attend. Fourteen days notice is required in respect of the Ladies’ Section.
16.1.4 Written notices of motion and nominations of Officers and Members to the Men’s Council must be made to the Honorary Secretary at least twenty one days before AGM; Ladies Committee requires twenty one days written notice. Such notices and nominations shall be promptly posted on the Club notice board.
16.2 Special and extraordinary general meetings. EGM’s
Special general meetings of the Club can be called at the request of the Council/Ladies’ Committee or must be called on a requisition to the Honorary Secretary signed by at least 50 members and stating the business to be brought forward. The Honorary Secretary must convene EGMs, so requisitioned, within one calendar month from the date of receipt of the requisition, unless otherwise agreed with the majority of the signatures to the requisition.
16.3 At least seven days notice of every such meeting shall be communicated to each Member by post or email specifying the time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted. A quorum shall be 15 Members for Men’s Section or for Ladies’ Section 8 Members.
16.4 No proxies shall be allowed and if ten Members present wish any question to be put to the vote by ballot that method shall be adopted.
17.1 The Men’s and Ladies’ Sections shall each keep a minute book in which shall be recorded the minutes of all AGM’s, EGM’s and also minute books in which shall be recorded the minutes of all Council or Committee meetings.
17.1.2 The respective minutes shall be read out at the next general meeting, statutory or Council/Committee meeting and, when approved as being a correct record, shall be signed and dated by the chairman.
17.2 The meeting agenda shall be circulated by email to online Council Members prior to next meetings.
18.1 The Men’s and Ladies’ Councils in conjunction with the Owner, shall decide the days and times when the Club shall have use of the course. All other times required by the Club shall be by agreement with the Owner.
19.1 Any personal belongings of Members, visitors and others brought to, kept at, or left on the premises of the Club (or outside in the car park or on the course) shall be at the sole risk of the owners thereof and neither Men’s Council nor Ladies’ Committee shall be responsible for any loss or damage however arising. This rule shall not prejudice any claim by either Club or the owners of the property lost or damaged against Insurance Companies in case of fire or when covered by insurance. In addition the Members of the Club shall have due regard for any relevant conditions imposed by the Owner of the facilities.
20.1 No rule of either the Men’s Council or Ladies’ Committee shall be repealed or altered or new rule made except at an AGM or EGM and by consent of at least two thirds of the voting members present.
21.1 The rules of the game of golf for the Men’s and Ladies’ Sections shall be the rules of golf as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.
22.1 The Men’s Council and Ladies’ Committee shall have the power from time to time to make such bye-laws as it considers necessary for the proper management of the Club and to alter and repeal same. All rules, Bye-laws and Regulations made by the Council/Committee, and the orders given by them, shall be binding on every Member until set aside. The Council/Committee shall post any Regulations made by them on the Club notice board.
22.2 A liaison committee comprising three nominees from the Men’s Council and one from the Ladies’ Committee shall make, and from time to time alter, such bye-laws and regulations as are considered necessary in the joint interest of the Members of the Club.